Are the spices in your kitchen fake? 7 questionable spices to watch out for

This is a spicy development.

A study conducted by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United Kingdom found that seven popular spices and herbs commonly sold in the US also contain fake ingredients.

Oregano, black pepper, chili powder, saffron, turmeric, cinnamon and cumin are the spices consumers should be on the lookout for.

cumin morrissphoto –

Experts even think that the flavorings in questionable spices contain chemicals that may lead to a higher risk of cancer or fatal allergic reactions.

The investigation, part of the Surveillance Sampling Project, tested 1,215 food samples sold in supermarkets in Ireland.

Dr. Terry McGrath, chief science officer for leading food testing company Bia Analytical, told the Daily Mail that fake spices are more often found in “smaller retailers without the ability or quality processes to assess risk”.

Black pepper. mescioglu –

13 percent of oregano samples were found to contain olive leaves and other unknown plants.

Dr. McGarth said false oregano is extremely difficult to spot.

Consumers are recommended to buy oregano from more reputable supermarkets.

oregano marrakech –
Saffron. Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Through the study, black pepper samples were contaminated with dried berries and papaya seeds, while saffron samples had free corn husk silk and cotton thread.

It is suggested that consumers crush the black pepper seeds as fake seeds will crack easily.

Chili powder samples contained red lead oxide and color. Artificial chili powder can be exposed by dropping a few drops of iodine on it. Real chili powder will remain reddish-brown, while fake chili powder will change color.

Chili powder. Narsil –

The turmeric samples contained yellow chalk and toxic dyes. Foam can be detected by mixing turmeric with white vinegar or hydrochloric acid drain cleaner, which will cause CO2 bubbles to form.

Cinnamon samples contained toxic bark and aromatic oils. Real cinnamon can be recognized by its subtlety and delicacy. False cinnamon is much thicker and harsher.

Turmeric. Kenishirotie –

Finally, the cumin samples were found to have nuts, grass seeds and ash. Some also had peanut shells, nuts and walnuts which can cause allergic reactions.

Experts recommend rubbing cumin seeds in the palm of your hand. False seeds will leave dark spots, as they are filled with ash.

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